2811 Logan Rd.,
Ocean, NJ  07712

Ocean Township Little League is a non-profit organization operated by dedicated volunteers. OTLL's mission is to provide an environment that fosters safety, security, and positive sportsmanship models to children of the community.

Ocean Township Little League

Scheduling of Makeup Games: 

* In the event of a canceled game, coaches please coordinate a makeup date by reviewing the Schedules by Division for field availability and schedule an umpire through Jason Chmura our Umpire in Chief.

* Click here to view the Sports Connect schedules/standings page* -  Link: clubs.bluesombrero.com/otll​​

Please log into Sports Connect to see your schedule. (Log in the way you did to register)

  1.  Once you log in you go to the top where it says "Team Central". Hover over it and drop down will show up.
  2. Click on "Posted Schedules"
  3. Then use the four boxes at the top to sort each category. - Program, Division, Schedule and Team.
  4. Once sorted it will show only your games.

Welcome to the Coaches Corner!

First off, Thank you for volunteering to be a coach at Ocean Township Little League.  Without your help and dedication to the development of our kids, our league would be nothing.  We've created this page to help guide you through some general questions you might have and to let you know what is expected of you as an OTLL coach.  Remember - You are a role model for these kids.  Teach them about positive sportsmanship and how it's not about winning but how you play the game.  If you need any assistance, please reach out to your respective coaching coordinators; Brady Martinez for Softball and Patrick O'Neill for Baseball.

General Responsibilities: 
As a coach for OTLL you are responsible for the development of your team, pre-game field preparation, post-game field maintenance and snack bar team assignments.

  1. Development of Team - Teams will have at least one practice a week at a location and time set forth by the coach.
  2. Pre-game field preparation - Designated "Home" team is responsible for pre-game field prep (Lining and Dragging of field).  Fields should be prepped and ready 15 minutes prior to game start.  All materials are located either in the shed near the snack bar or garage near Colt Field. 
  3. Post-game field maintenance - "Home" and "Visiting" teams are responsible for field / dugout cleanup.  After the game, all team members must clean up any garbage or empty bottles and throw them in the proper waste containers.  Let's teach our kids to be responsible and to leave an area better than the way they found it.
  4. Work Party - The high quality of our fields do not happen by chance. Work details for the 2023 season will be held at the dates/times listed on our home page.  Please ensure that your team has at least one representative (Mgr or Coach) at each Work Party.