2811 Logan Rd.,
Ocean, NJ  07712

Ocean Township Little League is a non-profit organization operated by dedicated volunteers. OTLL's mission is to provide an environment that fosters safety, security, and positive sportsmanship models to children of the community.

Ocean Township Little League

Various Forms

Below are links to a few forms that are used throughout Little League.  Please email or call OTLL if you have any questions.

2025 Sponsorship Form

OTLL Release Waiver of Liability

Ocean Township Little League Scholarship Application - Deadline for applications is June 6, 2025

School Enrollment Form (League ID#: 02301119)

Medical Release Form

OTLL ASAP Safety Plan

History of OTLL and Colt Field

​James J. Colt was born in Hazleton, PA circa 1898 and passed away in January 1967.

For 10 years of his life, beginning in 1950, Colt sought permission from the State of NJ to operate a 6 million dollar racetrack on the 1,000 acre parcel of land he owned in Secaucus, NJ (this area is currently the site of the Meadowlands Sports Complex).  Failure to get the necessary license from the NJ Racing Commission was "the biggest disappointment of his life", according to statements made by his brother (Philip Colt) upon James Colt's death in 1967.

On the contrary, one of Colt's greatest accomplishments was founding the Ocean Township Little League (OTLL) program.  Equally as important is the fact that the entire OTLL Colt Field Complex (on Logan Road) property was donated by the Colt Family with the understanding that the land always be used solely for OTLL and that OTLL continue to be affiliated with Little League International (Williamsport, PA).

There are several pictures upstairs in the OTLL clubhouse of the groundbreaking ceremony, different phases of construction,  etc. These pictures are all dated circa 1959.


Orders May Be Placed - May 13th thru May 20th

Expected Delivery Week - June 7, 2024

Orders May Be Shipped to Your Home (charge) or Picked Up @ OTLL (no charge)

Questions? Email Brendan McCaig / info@otll.org or 732.280.2921

This is a custom online store. All sales are final - No Refunds or Exchanges.

Link: https://www.spcustomgear.com/team/ocean-township-little-league

​​2025 Advertising Opportunities
Sponsor a team, have your banner displayed prominently in the outfield, and on the OTLL website! 

Email Bret Bagley at otllsponsor@gmail.com if interested.

WE NEED YOU! -  To Volunteer

Little League Baseball and Softball is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. At the local level, Little League relies on a devoted legion of adult volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly. Your local Little League program is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. By reading further, you will discover that the benefits of volunteering are endless. You will also gain a better understanding of why you should become involved, who volunteers are, what you can do, and how you can sign up.